About Us

My journey began 20 years ago selling baseball cards on Ebay and progressed into more than I could ever imagine possible. My dream started to evolve in 2015 when I realized the need for excellent customer service, fast shipping, and low prices. At this time I was still an RN working full time. It was tough to expand my small business, but with a lot of prayer and sacrifice from my family, I pushed on. After about a year of expanding, I decided it was time to leave the nursing profession and pursue my dream full- time. This was certainly a tough decision, but one my wife and I felt was worth the risk to keep my dream alive. I ventured out beyond Ebay into other online platforms such as Amazon, Walmart.com, and Bonanza.com. I quickly learned that tackling this as a one man show was impossible (this is apparent by the picture you can see of my garage before employees) and hired my first employee. This ended up being the best business decision I’ve ever made. God has now allowed me to expand my business from that little table with the scale on it in my garage to a full size warehouse today. This picture reminds me of where I started, and it tells me that with God all things are possible. It also tells me that any dream is possible so don’t give up. God has also blessed me with several wonderful employees that keep me in check and truly make this business what it is today. Their hard work and dedication is indescribable.
God has given me so much more than I’ll ever deserve, and I’m forever thankful that I get to wake up each day and do what I love. I owe so much to my wife who sacrificed and took a chance with me on my dream. Thank you to my parents who taught me the value of prayer, hard work, and honesty. Thank you to my employees who are the true stars of my business. I leave each of you with a challenge: wake up each day and love. Love God, love your family, love your friends, and even love strangers. Life is about relationships. Take time to slow down and enjoy them. If you’re looking for a place to shop locally where you get fast free shipping, excellent customer service, low prices, and a chance to be a part of my dream please shop monroedepot.com.